Make a donation.

Make a difference.

With the help of supporters like you, we offer a wide array of enriching music education experiences, one-of-a-kind live events, and other inspirational programming for kids and adults alike. Through community partnerships we can continue to provide hands-on music education in a time where public music and arts funding is on the decline. Together we can build musical bridges that allow students to cultivate a sense of belonging, creativity, and empowerment—and above all, LEARN TO ROCK!

Make a Donation

Make a simple, tax-free donation. No fuss, easy-peasy. We’ll put your dollars straight towards helping students get the access to music education and therapy.

Give Gear

You can also support the foundation by giving us your used gear. We either give it to deserving kids or sell it to support deserving kids. This too is tax deductible.

Buy Merch

Support the cause and look great doing it. All proceeds from our merch sales go straight to support our foundation programming.

Our Sponsors